今天也是过到很精彩,一样是12点起床,然后当然也和朋友约好了要出去~今天我,Isaac,Ziyi, and Jiajian boarding bus go to Mid Valley,Kl~这是一个很新的挑战,因为我们4个完全不会kl的路~很刺激!下午2点出发,问一个auntie 怎样搭巴士去mid valley~然后,就听auntie的话到我们家外面的巴士站等巴士~auntie说每十分钟就会有一辆巴士了得,很方便的要去mid valley==结果我们等了半个小时==!然后就上巴士拉~巴士driver说,可以买rapid kl的卡,比较方便~下次再买~
差不多20分钟的车程,我们到了~mid valley 超大的~那边的game station 超high class~~还有得玩galaxy war~很像paint ball这样的~不过是荧光的~哇~超棒!可是一个人要25块==对于游子的我,没有钱玩~~后来买了一件衣服,在shoppingmall有一个70巴仙折扣,54块扣到剩16.50~划算!然后就走走,去吃东西,吃真的花很多==最后,原本想搭巴士回家的,可是不懂事去错巴士站还是什么,等了一个小时都没有巴士==那是真的超累的~走到脚酸了,还要等==问那些auntie uncle,他们都是回klang,puchong,就是没有pj==谁叫pj是selangor,不是kl==没办法,坐的士==一个人2块多,也不会很贵~~~可是就觉得学不到搭巴士回,很不悦!明天roomate也要去mid valley,他带我表姐和贤安去~我说我和新朋友去了,他就问我,还要去吗?教你搭巴士回~senior真的很好,实习拜一到拜五,明天后天休息,就会带我们去玩~可是我真的不想去了~因为花很多钱==80多今天花===礼拜如果去别的mall,就会去~~明天在家做先吧==再吃的话,破产~~我在kl还挺顺利的~也许说,贵人相助?还是说,祷告显灵??==哈哈~我也不了~还有还有~婉怡,生日快乐~我真的有想回jb帮你庆祝给你惊喜,顺便遇遇朋友的==可是,在外地,真的是钱钱钱。。希望你能原谅我~~T.T在这祝你,生日快乐!~
Hanging out wif new frens!~~
今天没去读书,睡到饱饱~在kl已经很久没睡那么迟了~每天都是7点多起来,然后看巴士时间表,就去巴士站,等一个15-55分钟==然后到学院,又要听讲座,大巴士回家,下午就睡午觉,晚上去吃东西,回家开电脑,就是这般无聊的生活==我的梦寐以求的校园生活==!!不过,昨天因为和表姐他们走散了,自己一个人大巴士回家,一个人吃午餐,认识了好多好多朋友~~有3位是昨天下午认识的,jb人~还有两位大帅哥是回家时认识的,kedah人~他们很聪明==一个10a 一个9a~~读的就是utar只有50位学生可以报名的mbbs~~竖立拇指给他们~然后今天就睡觉睡到12点多~表姐和贤安去ss2mall,问我要不要去,我没去,因为昨天和新朋友约好要出去了~我的新朋友也是住17区,所以我们约好在我们家外面的pasar见面~那两个kedah的朋友住在19区,所以要到那里了才可以通知他们~~我们约好了去cc!哈哈~结果就搭德士去cc,kedah的朋友没接电话,所以就和3个johor朋友打机~然后去吃东西~很好吃,也不会贵~最后我们搭巴士回~1块~~开始慢慢会去别的地方玩了~很开心~刚到家~~明天可能也会搭巴士去mid valley~~希望我快快熟kl的路,那么你就不用怕迷路,的空也可以带你出去玩了~~哈哈~今天还没结束,但,打现在的今天,太棒了~而且又自己弄好blogger~~好开心~那两个kedah朋友刚信息我,说(sry we 2 slping jz nw)==下次再约你们吧~
Typing a blog wif fatigue but full of moods~~
刚刚下午5点多,我的senior,我们叫她心桦,带我,我表姐,还有一个roomate,叫做casey去吃晚饭~~他带我们去吃有经济又靠近的东西,超好人的~~然后一路上又教我们要如何等巴士拉,要走那里比较安全啦,还有有哪一条路可以通行,哈哈~很开心~~一开始我们吃东西的时候有点小尴尬,因为都不是很熟,就有点羞羞这样,后来我真的觉得很怪,就开始说废话咯,哪里懂他们也聊起来了~~哈哈~~直接说很多~~后来很有mood,桦姐就带我们去最靠近我们家的shopping mall,差不多要15分钟~~他人真的很好,没有他,我们会闷死~~其实她说要走路到我们的学校不远,只是45分钟==45分钟!!??我会晕掉~~就这样,我们闲逛了很久,他们买了2罐5kg的水,身为男人的我,超有风度的帮他们拿==也因我的这个举动,和他们有更好了~~有了好印象~~就这样,我拿着共10kg的水走15分钟的路程回家~~重到!!!到家了,我们闲聊一会,就想找贤安出来,要冲凉,那个水是小到~!!小便的速度==可能小便还还更大~~等了半个钟,才装满~~和贤安没地方去,现在他来我家做客~~现在是5个人,坐在客厅,凉凉的,拿着laptop上网~~看戏的看戏,fb的fb,我就是喜欢这种大学生的感觉~~很实在~~我花了3个小时,就和roomates们那么好了~~我觉得我的适应能力很厉害~~桦姐说和我同睡的男生去实习了,10点多才回来==没关系,我会和他混熟的~~很快~~明天开始上utar了,~~大家要加油~你也一样=]
妮姐姐,okay???~~haha ,,relaxing after a blog~~wahahahaha
刚刚下午5点多,我的senior,我们叫她心桦,带我,我表姐,还有一个roomate,叫做casey去吃晚饭~~他带我们去吃有经济又靠近的东西,超好人的~~然后一路上又教我们要如何等巴士拉,要走那里比较安全啦,还有有哪一条路可以通行,哈哈~很开心~~一开始我们吃东西的时候有点小尴尬,因为都不是很熟,就有点羞羞这样,后来我真的觉得很怪,就开始说废话咯,哪里懂他们也聊起来了~~哈哈~~直接说很多~~后来很有mood,桦姐就带我们去最靠近我们家的shopping mall,差不多要15分钟~~他人真的很好,没有他,我们会闷死~~其实她说要走路到我们的学校不远,只是45分钟==45分钟!!??我会晕掉~~就这样,我们闲逛了很久,他们买了2罐5kg的水,身为男人的我,超有风度的帮他们拿==也因我的这个举动,和他们有更好了~~有了好印象~~就这样,我拿着共10kg的水走15分钟的路程回家~~重到!!!到家了,我们闲聊一会,就想找贤安出来,要冲凉,那个水是小到~!!小便的速度==可能小便还还更大~~等了半个钟,才装满~~和贤安没地方去,现在他来我家做客~~现在是5个人,坐在客厅,凉凉的,拿着laptop上网~~看戏的看戏,fb的fb,我就是喜欢这种大学生的感觉~~很实在~~我花了3个小时,就和roomates们那么好了~~我觉得我的适应能力很厉害~~桦姐说和我同睡的男生去实习了,10点多才回来==没关系,我会和他混熟的~~很快~~明天开始上utar了,~~大家要加油~你也一样=]
妮姐姐,okay???~~haha ,,relaxing after a blog~~wahahahaha
The days i left jb
昨天真的是够力累~~十点多启程,差不多2点多到我的住宿,安顿好了,很累==过后就和我的妈妈,阿姨下去彭亨找我外婆~~我阿姨的朋友在我们下,又是几粒钟的车程,不过还不错啦,和外婆聊了很多~然后晚上又上云顶==又在几粒种==我那时真的累到不行,可是想了想,云顶,没半夜去过,就看看夜景吧~~到了山顶,空气是冷到!!我又穿短裤拖鞋,直接从头冷到脚跟~~大人们都是这样,一道云顶,就把我丢一旁了,去赌博==结果我就一个人在1st world hotel走走==其实一个人的感觉亦蛮不错,走走,看一下pub,几乎每个条件我都不符合。1, no slipper allowed.2, age below 18 is phobitted==最后我一个人孤零零去kfc 吃鸡扒~~然后就这样,5点才回到小姨家,睡觉==不过好彩昨天大家都赢钱~~
Full of joys~~
唱到很开心,晚上又和5a的老同学聚会帮佳明恬欣庆祝生日,我们去老麦庆祝,大家都叫套餐,为了就是那个蓝色的杯~~vivi疯海绵宝宝,就去买happymeal,哪里懂来的是海绵宝宝的朋友==海绵宝宝送完了,vivi直接老掉哈哈~~我穷,就没有买来吃,结果秀娟说,阿龙,你要上kl了,我请你吃~~~我是很不好意思啦,不过既然你那么坚定,我就不好推迟了哈哈~`又a到一餐~~后来,我们拍了好多好多照片,朋友都和我拍了,有的和我单独拍,也有群体的,因为为了纪念我=[要走料就是pattern多多==我们就是这样咯~然后就唱生日歌切蛋糕啦~~最近大家都好像爱上芒果蛋糕,每个就是买蛋糕都是芒果的~~佩莹生日也是芒果,这吃的也是芒果~~!不过是不错吃这样==]Sometimes some words doesnt nid to say out,our concerns,do by action,tats why we full of joys~~we must keep in touch!~Our frenships,wasnt built up easily,we all have gone through so far~我们的友谊有过低潮,有过争吵,有过悲伤,但,这一切都是past tense,就算曾经有裂痕,不过我们都修补回来,还不留裂痕~~过去可能我得罪的地方,请原谅当时的不成熟=]我说的得罪是那种真的很严重的啦,好像弄到吵架那种的,如果是平时的得罪那就不算哈哈~~那种事皮痒弄你们的~~也许别人眼中可能不认识你们,但在我眼中,你们都对我很重要=]除了carolyn lai~~!!!!!!!!!!!哈哈,不弄你真的会不爽=]
唱到很开心,晚上又和5a的老同学聚会帮佳明恬欣庆祝生日,我们去老麦庆祝,大家都叫套餐,为了就是那个蓝色的杯~~vivi疯海绵宝宝,就去买happymeal,哪里懂来的是海绵宝宝的朋友==海绵宝宝送完了,vivi直接老掉哈哈~~我穷,就没有买来吃,结果秀娟说,阿龙,你要上kl了,我请你吃~~~我是很不好意思啦,不过既然你那么坚定,我就不好推迟了哈哈~`又a到一餐~~后来,我们拍了好多好多照片,朋友都和我拍了,有的和我单独拍,也有群体的,因为为了纪念我=[要走料就是pattern多多==我们就是这样咯~然后就唱生日歌切蛋糕啦~~最近大家都好像爱上芒果蛋糕,每个就是买蛋糕都是芒果的~~佩莹生日也是芒果,这吃的也是芒果~~!不过是不错吃这样==]Sometimes some words doesnt nid to say out,our concerns,do by action,tats why we full of joys~~we must keep in touch!~Our frenships,wasnt built up easily,we all have gone through so far~我们的友谊有过低潮,有过争吵,有过悲伤,但,这一切都是past tense,就算曾经有裂痕,不过我们都修补回来,还不留裂痕~~过去可能我得罪的地方,请原谅当时的不成熟=]我说的得罪是那种真的很严重的啦,好像弄到吵架那种的,如果是平时的得罪那就不算哈哈~~那种事皮痒弄你们的~~也许别人眼中可能不认识你们,但在我眼中,你们都对我很重要=]除了carolyn lai~~!!!!!!!!!!!哈哈,不弄你真的会不爽=]
We are childish~~,we are pure TODAY~~
回的路上,大家都过马路乱乱来,还哼着一首很著名的歌,alicafe 好野~~~哈哈啊哈
回的路上,大家都过马路乱乱来,还哼着一首很著名的歌,alicafe 好野~~~哈哈啊哈
中六的朋友都说中六很难,尤其是那个carolyn lai,自己皮痒要去读,后来又要转utar,特地走路去他家要帮他打电话问时,刚好那个人放工了,没办法咯,就借她的wifi上fb,还要给他骂,说我没有心==哈哈后来贤安也来帮忙,哪里知道才隔一天,她之前很坚定地说要读utar的想法就没有了==还说,我决定要读form 6 了~~
中六的朋友都说中六很难,尤其是那个carolyn lai,自己皮痒要去读,后来又要转utar,特地走路去他家要帮他打电话问时,刚好那个人放工了,没办法咯,就借她的wifi上fb,还要给他骂,说我没有心==哈哈后来贤安也来帮忙,哪里知道才隔一天,她之前很坚定地说要读utar的想法就没有了==还说,我决定要读form 6 了~~
Carolyn ask me to type a blog=]
Thursday ,is the day for me ,terence and wenjie recently=]
One more upcoming thursday,then we wil nt able to go out again==
Tia morning,two of us accompany wenjie go to bandaraya to take the offer letter of his singapore of institute management university,SIM.Of course is wenjie fetch both of us go,haha.congratulate bro,u are received=]Pity for terence,he stil confusing bout wan choose which schul to further his studies,fast planning lor bro,times and tides wait for no man=]
After tat,im having a hair cut jz nw==quite satisfied.bt it cost me 14==.for me,is a bit expensive==bt stil can accept la,coz im nt secondary student anymore ..
Well ,after tat,i go to ahxiong hse and having dinner wif him a mcd..actually the real motive of mine was not eating dinner wif him,im jz wanna him take me a ride to catch passport photo for study use haha~~bt in the end i really thks him alot and having a wonderful dinner time at mcd full of sincerity~~
and tat all for my activities today=]
nx wednesday,terence's bufdae,last bufdae celebrating for me to my fren in jb.wat should i do,let the gals planning haha=]
one more weeks ,and i say bb to johor bahru=]
One more upcoming thursday,then we wil nt able to go out again==
Tia morning,two of us accompany wenjie go to bandaraya to take the offer letter of his singapore of institute management university,SIM.Of course is wenjie fetch both of us go,haha.congratulate bro,u are received=]Pity for terence,he stil confusing bout wan choose which schul to further his studies,fast planning lor bro,times and tides wait for no man=]
After tat,im having a hair cut jz nw==quite satisfied.bt it cost me 14==.for me,is a bit expensive==bt stil can accept la,coz im nt secondary student anymore ..
Well ,after tat,i go to ahxiong hse and having dinner wif him a mcd..actually the real motive of mine was not eating dinner wif him,im jz wanna him take me a ride to catch passport photo for study use haha~~bt in the end i really thks him alot and having a wonderful dinner time at mcd full of sincerity~~
and tat all for my activities today=]
nx wednesday,terence's bufdae,last bufdae celebrating for me to my fren in jb.wat should i do,let the gals planning haha=]
one more weeks ,and i say bb to johor bahru=]
A day tat revive me
然后,老师介绍我一本书,叫做the secret。这本书主要是说人有能力产生能量改变世界,只是我们还没发觉其中的秘密,而以前的伟大科学家就是知道了其中的秘密而改变了世界,老师说那本书都是以物理原则解释人类有能力用思想产生能量来改变说有东西,我一开始觉得很荒庙,可是听了老师briefing,我又觉得他说到很有道理,老师都是这样的,每次都很有感染力==
然后,老师介绍我一本书,叫做the secret。这本书主要是说人有能力产生能量改变世界,只是我们还没发觉其中的秘密,而以前的伟大科学家就是知道了其中的秘密而改变了世界,老师说那本书都是以物理原则解释人类有能力用思想产生能量来改变说有东西,我一开始觉得很荒庙,可是听了老师briefing,我又觉得他说到很有道理,老师都是这样的,每次都很有感染力==
5/5 thursday
It was a nice day for me=]Today,i,wenjie and terence tis three big fellow board bus to city square jz to catch the movie fast and furious 5..Tis was the first time we 3 goin out together by boarding bus=]sounds pity due to we didn hav many chance to go out tgt after tis may,im goin to study at kl soon==
WELL,GOIN to wenjie hse about 12pm,while waiting terence at wenjie hse,we keep taiking bout the hot topic tat pop out recently .haha.Wenjie's mom always complain bout the bad things of her son towards me.haha.AFTER HALF AN HOUR,terrence reach.We ate lunch at my mom stall.JZ finished the lunch,we saw a "triton bus" was passing the bus stop.Three of us pay the money st8 chase the bus so tat we nt goona miss a more comfortable bus on the way to city square,haha.We chatting on the bus,the feelings, and the atmosphere was nice,the bus was nt crowd and the icon was quite cool.We reach cs bout 3 pm,We buy a 5.05pm's ticket.Then,we wondering at cs.
Wennjie buy a school bag costs 99.90.very rich.
THe movie was awesome,i like the show very much,so do to them.
I like tis day very much,i cnt say tat it was the most happiest day in my life,bt it was really a good day for me=]
8/5 subday
We hving our last 5a gathering last nite
Some of them are goin to start their form 6 soon,==
huishan come bak yesterday,she told me tat kl was baddddddddddddd then she tot.
hot sun at noon and haevy rainning at nite,wat a bad weather,
and then she say the water was dirty,the campus works was tiring and the air was pollutes
Har==im goin kl soon leh==gv me such a bad image towards kl..
and then the service of tat mama stall really make me hot!
cnt chatting if we stop order?walao
Even cafe oso didn chase customer lo
diu,so wat if ur food was nice?u are chasing ur customer away after having their drinks and foods wor,say (org lain mau makan ,mau duduk juga,kedai ini macam ini punya,sudah habis order mau kasi wang kasi org lain duduk la.)somethings like tat he say.walao!fine,i wont be ur customer nx time,no,is we!
Forget it,beside tis incident,yesterday we was quite enjoy the gatherings,haha.i keep make fun oly lo==u all oly noe laugh,
Start blogging=]
It really convenient for blogging if hav a laptop which belongs to urself.Rather than go cc blogging,ruin the mood and shy to show the real feeling during typing.AT hme,u wil hav enuf time to feed back wat hav happen in ur life today,wat important msg tat u wan to share to ur frenz today=]
don nid thnk bout the time,jz blank urself,in a comfortable room,without disturbing by other ppl,wat a nice surroundings~~
Yesterday carolyn suddenly send me a msg,i translate to english..(WHY U ALL WAN GO SO FAR?!!)i was shocked,im thnking,go whr?ohh,i thnk she means the studies=]
Thnking bak,im askingya,why i wan go to kl ?actually i cn form 6,then my famil wont be so burden,and i cn stay close wif my frenz=.=
Bt reality force us to apart,i cnt jz stay at jb oly,i wan go kl,i wan fulfil my dream since im form 4,i wan strike at kl,becoz in my opinion,if u wan to obtain more knowledge,if u wan to learn more and get a better education,i thnk kl is a suitable place.I cnt simply let my dream go,i must pursue it,so frenz,i oso cnt bear to apart wif u all,Pn teh said be4,frenz cum and go,yes,physically,frenz really cums and go when we grow,bt mentally,u all hav been in my mind all the time even we apart.A real frenz doesnt nid to c often,chat often,a real fren is when u are feeling down,a short msg received,a simple sentences which can cheer u up,then is enuf=]A fren in need is a fren indeed..
Im glad,really,i didn lack of best fren=]
I promise,if hav time,i sure cum bak jb often and having a gathering=]
jz like wat we do usually=]
Stress are really an annoying things,finance problem are really a big problem 4 everyone,so when i hav the ability to work in my area,i must earn big money ,i don wan to be a poor guy,i wan success in my future,i wont let my family down,and i wan let them hav a better lifetime.
don nid thnk bout the time,jz blank urself,in a comfortable room,without disturbing by other ppl,wat a nice surroundings~~
Yesterday carolyn suddenly send me a msg,i translate to english..(WHY U ALL WAN GO SO FAR?!!)i was shocked,im thnking,go whr?ohh,i thnk she means the studies=]
Thnking bak,im askingya,why i wan go to kl ?actually i cn form 6,then my famil wont be so burden,and i cn stay close wif my frenz=.=
Bt reality force us to apart,i cnt jz stay at jb oly,i wan go kl,i wan fulfil my dream since im form 4,i wan strike at kl,becoz in my opinion,if u wan to obtain more knowledge,if u wan to learn more and get a better education,i thnk kl is a suitable place.I cnt simply let my dream go,i must pursue it,so frenz,i oso cnt bear to apart wif u all,Pn teh said be4,frenz cum and go,yes,physically,frenz really cums and go when we grow,bt mentally,u all hav been in my mind all the time even we apart.A real frenz doesnt nid to c often,chat often,a real fren is when u are feeling down,a short msg received,a simple sentences which can cheer u up,then is enuf=]A fren in need is a fren indeed..
Im glad,really,i didn lack of best fren=]
I promise,if hav time,i sure cum bak jb often and having a gathering=]
jz like wat we do usually=]
Stress are really an annoying things,finance problem are really a big problem 4 everyone,so when i hav the ability to work in my area,i must earn big money ,i don wan to be a poor guy,i wan success in my future,i wont let my family down,and i wan let them hav a better lifetime.
wow!suprise me
U all believe in fate?Carolyn told me tat it called fate.=]
long time didn blogging.May.is the month tat mostly ppl apart to further their study.kl,sg,form 6 and etc.we are nt young anymore,nid learn to be independant==nth wil go smoothly in our life,sumtimes,u c a good starting,but end wif a sad closing.we cnt predict,wat wil happen nx,agree ?promise cnt make earlier,becoz we realy donnoe wat wil happen when we step on .Even u hav planning wel in sum things,something wil stil goes wrong and u nid to accpt the reality,we cnt change anything.Tis is called life....
Im oso goin to kl further my studies bout 21may.i tot tat was my new starting point,everthing wil change,actually nt.=]Thks god,tat all i cn say.
For those who are sti nt graduate frm secondary schul,works hard,don gv up=]further ur studies in uni is not a path for clever students,all of u hav the chance,depends on u whether wan to grab the opportunity or nt=]
long time didn blogging.May.is the month tat mostly ppl apart to further their study.kl,sg,form 6 and etc.we are nt young anymore,nid learn to be independant==nth wil go smoothly in our life,sumtimes,u c a good starting,but end wif a sad closing.we cnt predict,wat wil happen nx,agree ?promise cnt make earlier,becoz we realy donnoe wat wil happen when we step on .Even u hav planning wel in sum things,something wil stil goes wrong and u nid to accpt the reality,we cnt change anything.Tis is called life....
Im oso goin to kl further my studies bout 21may.i tot tat was my new starting point,everthing wil change,actually nt.=]Thks god,tat all i cn say.
For those who are sti nt graduate frm secondary schul,works hard,don gv up=]further ur studies in uni is not a path for clever students,all of u hav the chance,depends on u whether wan to grab the opportunity or nt=]
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