
Outing wif group 7!~

很快,一个sem要结束了~我们的group 7,也快散了==昨天在utar网站排了自己下个sem的时间表,发现其实大家的都很不是一样,所以,g7真的要散了==[很好的朋友,下个sem又要认识过朋友,希望都不会是那种拽拽的~星期三,我们group7 去了times square~很好玩,neway很好,便宜又舒服那个房间,mike也好,又能打快,哪里像sunway的redbox==小间,音响烂,又贵!==然后,今天,和dave,wenhui,linsiong,mao,kahmun还有wensi 去tropicana看戏~~在kl看戏真的看到吐奶。。。天天都要有好心情,那么你看到的世界真的会很美~有些事,不用刻意去做,你也会感受到暖暖的关怀~哈哈


Wee Chin Chua~

If u not walking today,thn u nid to run tomorow in order to catch up other people~Wow,one of my friend said tat,Its reli makes sense.But,he oso said tat,how many people noe tis theory?Even if u noe,will u make a change?haha,mankind are stil mankind anyway~考试就是大便,中6朋友,听讲你们也在考,加油!努力=]



Whole night study ,didn slp,in the end,what i study didn come out,what i didn study come out with the marks 25 out of 50.Ya,LEONG SHU JEN damn low mood,天时地利,人不和!Mechanic reli suck...
Perform well in final exam,i wish i can..
Very upset and frustrated,im put in so much effort,reli wanna cry at the first moment....
This unpleasant feeling just like when im taking my spm results..
Who to blame?No one....
Finish let off my anger and dissatisfied here....
Get well soon